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So you have a business idea, you think it’s awesome, revolutionary! You’ve googled it and no one else has done it.. at least no one on the first page of the search results. Within months, you’ve spoken to a few of your closest friends, you’ve devised a plan and you are taking the first steps to make a monetary investment. You’ve got this! It’s going to be a game changer for you! Amazing!! Everyone is being super supportive, you’ve got your logo, of course, you’ve got your website up, you’ve spent hours tirelessly working on graphics and content, you’re spending money on advertising, your networking – you are hustling… I won’t go on… BUT nothing is happening. WTF, you’ve got followers, but no sales. You’ve got all your friends still saying “It’s an awesome idea”… but no sales, ok, except your mom. Seriously, WTF!!

Friends can be awesome, there has been plenty of movements in recent years to support one another, which is awesome. However, with so much support comes a fear to be negative. All of the “You do you’s!” and “You got this girl!”… gives us support and motivation but if it’s a bad idea, even the friends that support you aren’t going to pony up.

Get out of your comfort zone, stop surrounding yourself with people that agree with your conclusions. Find a group that challenges your thoughts and ideas. Send out surveys and ask questions where people can remain anonymous. It’s amazing how nearly everyone’s opinions get a lot more honest when they don’t have to face the recipient.

Hence, the professional focus group. When done correctly, I group of your would-be target market is shown the product, advertisement or elements of your campaign and are asked questions by a skilled facilitator to get them talking. You may, or may not want to be behind the curtain for this part. Honesty can be scary, but it’s gets you to the goal line faster if you are willing to listen to it and take it as constructive feedback for you and your company to thrive. It can also save your company thousands if not millions in a terrible idea.