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Yes, your logo is a beautiful, wonderful thing that, if you did it right, cost you some money. However, do you really think anyone cares? Especially when you are a new business with absolutely ZERO brand recognition? They don’t even know you yet and you’re just BAM – here’s me. It’s like the marketing version of eggplant emoji… settle down.

Customers expect more from you. They want to know what solutions you are providing, how you are making their lives easier or uplifting their spirits – that’s why buying someone a drink usually gets you a little further. Apologies for the dating references but customers are people and people have feelings, needs, wants and desires and marketing is all about tapping into those emotions at the right time and the right place.

Customers don’t buy from you because of some vector image that means nothing to them. If you are a new business and you put your logo front and center on anything – congratulations Mr. Ego – you will be the only one looking, except for the handful of people you personally show it to.

So what do you put front and center? It depends on a variety of factors with a dash of creativity. Think about why you are really in business, what solution do you provide? People don’t buy products and services, they buy solutions. As Theodore Levitt, a Harvard Business School Professor once said; “People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”